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Saturday, June 11, 2011

The Final Battle Cover

I made the last cover. I'm hesitant about making a fourth book, I'll decide when the time comes.

Broken-Winged Love Cover

I was bored yesterday so I made a cover for book 2, yeah. I like it, could find a better picture though, it's good enough. Again, no copyright intended.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Need Character Names

I need more names for good chracters. I have to fill a doctor, boy names, men names, women names, and girl names, probably more too. I would like it very much if posted your thoughts on good names for thoughout the series as a comment to this post, thanks a bunch. You're a big help in the proccess of writing. I can't do this alone and need help.

Changes in Progress

There are many changes going on with the blog currently. I'm writing the books right now and the info in the past posts aren't so true anymore. I didn't want to take them down though. I have decided the story plan and now have stuck to it with limited options of change. The future posts will be more accurate and can't wait till I release the book on my site.

Part by Part

I've written chapter 1 through 5 right now, and don't know how well it turned out. It won't be the same as it is now, because I'm constantly editing it in my free time. I've worked almost a full year on the book, and won't stop halfway. Thanks for supporting me and someday I can thanks my fans who helped me find my true talent. I love to write and have many thinks to tell one day. Some of them include my best friends, and my current LA teacher who inspires me to write. I will never forget your support and help you gave me.

New Cover!

I'm so excited, because... I made a cover. I found this cool picture on google and made it into my cover. I don't own the picture, no copyright intended. I love the cover better than I thought and am working hard on the book. With SUMMER coming close I'll have more time to work and make the book the best thing I've ever written. I really want to make this book a published book because I've working a good year about on it and now it's my life. If I could be an author, maybe a dream come true.